yondr academy podcasts
Happily sharing our ever growing knowledge on all things virtual
yondr academy podcasts
Rosh Singh: "Where Expectations Far Outweighs Reality"
Rosh Singh
Season 2
Episode 15
Rosh is Managing Director at UNIT9 a global Innovation Studio. A seasoned leader, passionate about the creative application of technologies for brands, and has been involved in the agency, production and start-up worlds running successful businesses and executing innovative and award winning work for some of the worlds biggest brands. Previous to UNIT9 he ran a record label, sold a business to WPP, started an embedded creative agency at WPP and founded a start-up incubator launching a new visual holographic medium, eco-friendly street furniture and a VR motion platform to the UK. Rosh Singh responds to how he got into immersive, the hype about VR/AR and about how an A-list production agency works with customers.